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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summer Fun, Here We Come!

School's out for summer!  I'm not gonna's not my most favorite time of year.  I am not looking forward to the "I'm bored", "It's too hot", "He hit me", "She kicked me", etc. And that's just the first day!  Going from 3 kids to 5 kids isn't really much different to me but it's double the fighting that gets to me.  

My plan is to set up the pool outside, get an assembly line of lathering up with the sunblock and keep them outside till lunchtime/nap time. 

We will take a few day trips here and there.  This afternoon I am going to get the kids together and we are going to make a "Summer Must Do" list.  

Here's MY Summer Must Do list: 
1. Survive!

Seems simple enough, right?  Let's hope the Fab 5 are good to me and help me accomplish my one goal for the summer.  

Enjoy your summer...wherever it takes you or whatever it may bring!

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