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Monday, April 16, 2012

My 5 year old has insomnia???

Is this possible?  Can a 5 year old suffer from Insomnia?  I have not gotten a diagnosis from her pediatrician yet but I am at a loss for what could be keeping Jenna up every night till 11!  We have a had her on a 730-8pm bedtime every night since she was born and she hasn't had much of a problem with it.  Of course, during the summer we keep her up a little bit later each night but I can't, for the life of me, figure out why, all of the sudden, she can't seem to fall asleep till 11.  I thought it was the allergy medicine but I switched her to the 12 hour medicine and I give it to her in the morning AND she hasn't had it in 2 days!  In the past 2 weeks, she has put ME to bed a couple of times.  I am hoping that with her being back at school today after a week of Spring Break, she will go to sleep in a heartbeat tonight.  Fingers crossed...


  1. This is the story of Julianna's LIFE! I am lucky if she falls asleep by 10.

  2. I couldn't handle this if it was normal! She used to be such a wonderful sleeper...asleep by 8 and slept till 730. How do you handle Julianna being up so late? I need my "quiet" time before I go to bed! ;)

  3. Im also dealing with the same thing, I have 5 year old twins and Brianna has always had trouble going to sleep, Up until recently it didn't effect her twin but they share a room and her twin sees her up and stays up with her, but will go to sleep but Brianna will still be up for hours after. They've always had the same bedtime routine, so I don't know what to do, Im at my wits end. Im exhausted, I need some me time, But by time she does go to sleep Im ready for bed. A few people have recommended melatonin, but I don't want to give her anything. The Dr. tells me to wait until she starts kindergarten to see if perhaps than she'll sleep better from being tired from going to school, I dont think that it will change anything. She has to be up at 7 on weekdays and she runs and plays all day, and she still can't settle down and go to sleep. PLEASE HELP!! Any advice?

  4. Tara, the sound machine works! My daughter has had some sort of music played in room since the day she was born. We started with a lullaby cd and we played that till is wouldn't play anymore (3+ years). We moved on to a sound machine (she likes the rain sound) and had erroneously moved it out of her room to her little sister's room. I went and bought another and she has slept (and fallen asleep) beautifully since we put it in there! We also have a "calming down" time a half an hour before her actual bedtime and I notice that if we don't have that, she has a tougher time falling asleep. Hope this helps! Good luck!

  5. i my self am dearling wit this too! My 5 year old daughter WILL NOT GOT TO SLEEP EVER i cant get five mins to my self she has had a 830 bed time since the age of 2!maliyah wont go to sleep till 1-130ama nd back up at 8am what can i do??SOMEBODY HELP!

  6. That stinks Anonymous! I couldn't imagine being up with my daughter till 1-1:30am. Have you tried a calming down hour before before bedtime? Reading a story, lights low and voice soothing? Do you have a sound machine? My oldest like the "rain" sound and my youngest likes the "lullaby" sound. We also do bath time before our calming down time to get the girls more relaxed. I hope your daughter grows out of this quickly. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Good luck!
